Fallout 4 more music mod
Fallout 4 more music mod

fallout 4 more music mod

This is very helpful in battles with powerful boss enemies.ĭogmeat makes a great companion without having to worry about appeasment. The mod makes the game more enjoyable by:ĭogmeat can assist in combat per usual but then your other companion can then assist you in attacking the enemy. This mod allows an extra, speaking, conversational companion of your choice to accompany you and your trusty K-9 friend.So where Dogmeat slacks in combat and conversation or moral standing, your human friend can assist. Human and synth companions do of course and this makes them the most useful companions. However Dogmeat has no opinions on anything, no conversational skills (duh), no real goal or agenda. Which yes, he absolutely is a companion as all dogs are. That goof would be the fact that Dogmeat counts as an entire companion. Give them a little something extra with these top 10 best Fallout 4 companion mods.Ĭheck out Everyone's Best Friend out here!Įveryone’s Best Friend is a mod that fixes an obvious goof in the vanilla version of Fallout 4. They happily (most of the time) follow you into whatever God-forsaken, radioactive beast infested building you happen to waltz into and help you fight said beasts and maybe even pick a lock on a door or crack the code to a terminal that you will then go in and reap all the benefits from. Why settle for the bare minimum when it comes to your companions? They aren't simply wasteland labor, they're your FRIENDS. A wonderful, and arguably central part of Fallout 4. yet despite this the game runs at a solid 30 fps no problem.Companions. ive noticed that to, i have 255 mods running on oldrim, many of which are very script heavy, and many of them use 4k textures. Seems like my saves are always getting corrupted somehow though. Up until now I wasn't using wyre bash for FO4 but I will start. So I restarted without the homemaker mod (not sure that was the problem but I figured less mods couldnt hurt). Last one I was CTD every time I visited a certain settlement. Still I have had to restart my game about 3-4 times because of issues. I have always tried to keep under 20 mods with it. Originally posted by 🆃🅰🅵🅵🆈:I noticed Fallout 4 seems even more touchy than Skyrim.

Fallout 4 more music mod